Terms & Conditions

The consumer is provided with all the necessary information, during and after the conclusion of the contract. Payment can only be made using the methods provided on the Sorcier Magic website.

To protect against possible fraud, we do not accept orders for which payment has been made by a name other than the owner of the PayPal account, or the shipment is intended for a name other than the account owner. If the consumer wishes to have the goods delivered to a different address, he must change the destination address during payment, adding a new address via the appropriate section reserved for the delivery address.

We do not in any way deliver to STANDARD STORAGE. The customer is required to verify the accuracy of the destination address of the goods, which must be complete with:

NAME and SURNAME or company reference;

Street and house number (if absent, indicate SNC or 0);

Postal code, City and Province;

Telephone number ( for any communications regarding shipping).

Orders with incomplete addresses or containing incorrect data may be canceled and refunded. We do not accept orders that require delivery to boxes and post offices, companies, banks, public and private offices, bars and commercial activities, collection points, hotels and the like and/or addressed to people other than the person who completed the payment when the payment is made by a person who is not the account owner. Communications and any notices relating to the delivery of the goods are sent as a courtesy.

WARRANTY AND ASSISTANCE The supplier guarantees that the products are original and free from faults and defects, however, despite the high quality standard of the products, it may happen that an item during production is defective and that, given the impossibility of checking detail of all the goods, enters the market and is purchased by the consumer.

If you believe you have received a defective product, you must report it immediately by sending a message via email, specifying the defect found and documenting the complaint with one or more images.